Army Rage hack free download no surveys
Army Rage hack download

Army Rage is war themed first person shooter set in 1939 s WWII. Players become skilled soldiers fighting on the Axis or Allies side. Choose between four playable classes which range from Assault to Engineer. Players can be involved in intense Team Death Matches with around 24 players around the battlefield. Perform assist or direct kills for XP and earn coins to buy various weapons. Equip your hero with the choice of artillery and gear on an advantage during battles. Strategize along with your comrades to win frenzied Capture the Flag game modes. Start out like a rookie and become the typical you are meant to be. Change history as a soldier on this addictive MMOFPS.Classes Assault This infantry character class uses an arsenal of rifles and weapons much like the Fedorov Avtomat Luger PO8 and combat knife to get rid of foes.Scout Scouts certainly are a sniper class able to killing enemies from long distances. The Springfield M1903A4 turns in to a killing machine in their expert hands.Support These soldiers are equipped with flamethrowers and machines guns such as the Bren LMG to adopt out tanks and assist allies with med kits.Engineer This class can repair vehicles which has a simple wrench. Engineers carry M1A1 Bazookas to make an incredible addition to the team.
STEP 1 - Download Army Rage Hack Tool by clicking the Button Below.
STEP 2 - Save this Army Rage Hack Tool in your desktop and open it.
STEP 3 - If the thing is that an error then make sure you've got .Net Framework 4 installed for you system.
STEP 4 - Hack the overall game and enjoy
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Army Rage hack free download no surveys>

Army Rage hack free download no surveys
Army Rage hack
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