Free cheats Of Spelunky

Missed a stride or you only dont wanna watch the video Thats okay. Just read here.BTW. All rights reserve. Hack at your own personal risk.WHAT YOU NEEDYou need this stuff to hack Spelunky1.) Pro Version of Game Maker2.) Game Maker software3.) Spelunky v1.1 software4.) Windows5.) About 11 MB in your computer hard drive.STEPS1.) Go to httpwww.iheaven.us2.) Click Download for Windows3.) Download Spelunky v1.1 (if you havent already)4.) Minimize everything.5.) When the files pop up produce a folder on the desktop called spelunky v1_1 (or whatever version it really is as soon as the truth is this video)6) Cut and Paste the files into that folder.7.) Go back towards the website and download the origin code.8.) Repeat Steps 4-6 but name the folder source9.) Drag the source folder in to the spelunky v1_1 folder.10.) Inside the spelunky v1_1 folder there should be called a file called supersound.dll. Copy and paste this in to the source file.11.) Copy the origin folder and name it hacks. Make sure that is inside the spelunky v1_1 folder as well.12.) Open the spelunky.gmk file inside the hacks folder.13.) Open the oPlayer1 object.14.) Go to the press Enter event.15.) Double click for the Execute a bit of code event.16.) Uncomment everything. (Confused Just watch.)17.) If you would like it so simply a Shotgun appears once you hit Enter do what Im planning to do.17.) Do steps 14-16 with all the Backspace button.18.) Run the game.19.) Now everytime you hit Enter you produce a Shotgun two spaces for the left of you and also everytime you hit Backspace you decide to go to the last level.
Free cheats Of Spelunky

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